Scripting Language with Ansible-like Syntax

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MiniScript is an embedded scripting language with the syntax heavily inspired by Ansible, but targeted at data processing rather than remote execution. MiniScript aims to keep the familiar look-and-feel while being trivial to embed and to extend.

Compared to real Ansible, MiniScript does NOT have:

  • Roles, playbooks or any other form of reusability.

  • “Batteries included” set of actions and filters.

  • Any local or remote execution facility.

  • Notifications, parallel execution or other advanced features.

MiniScript does offer:

  • Loops, variables, conditions and blocks.

  • Jinja2 templating integration.

  • Lean and easily extensible feature set.

  • A few filters most useful for data processing.

  • An ability to return a value from a script.

  • Ansible-compatible backslash handling.

  • 100% unit test coverage.

  • A permissive license (BSD).


MiniScript does not use Ansible directly, nor does it import any Ansible code. We are also not aiming for perfect compatibility and do diverge in some aspects.

Running scripts

class miniscript.Engine(tasks: Optional[Dict[str, Type[miniscript._task.Task]]] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, additional_filters: bool = True)

Engine that runs scripts.

  • tasks

    Tasks to use for this engine, see Engine.tasks.

    Changed in version 1.1: Tasks are now optional, only built-in tasks are used by default.

  • logger – Logger to use for all logging. If None, a default one is created.

  • additional_filters

    If True, additional Ansible-compatible filters from miniscript.filters are enabled.

    New in version 1.1.


ValueError on tasks conflicting with built-in parameters, see Task.

The development flow is:

  1. define your tasks by subclassing Task;

  2. create an Engine with the task definitions;

  3. (optionally) create a custom Context;

  4. run Engine.execute().

Preparing an engine:

import miniscript

class AddTask(miniscript.Task):
    '''A task implementing addition.'''

    required_params = {'values': list}
    '''One required parameter - a list of values.'''
    singleton_param = 'values'
    '''Can be supplied without an explicit "values".'''

    def validate(self, params, context):
        '''Validate the parameters.'''
        super().validate(params, context)
        for item in params['values']:

    def execute(self, params, context):
        '''Execute the action, return a "sum" value.'''
        return {"sum": sum(params['values'])}

engine = miniscript.Engine({'add': AddTask})

Some tasks are built into the engine:

An example script:

- name: only accept positive integers
  fail: "{{ item }} must be positive"
  when: item <= 0
  loop: "{{ values }}"

- name: add the provided values
  add: "{{ values }}"
  register: result

- name: log the result
    info: "The sum is {{ result.sum }}"

- name: return the result
  return: "{{ result.sum }}"

Executing a script (obviously, it does not have to come from YAML):

import yaml

with open("script.yaml") as fp:
    code = yaml.safe_load(fp)

# The context holds all variables.
context = miniscript.Context(engine, values=[23423, 43874, 22834])

# Unlike Ansible, MiniScript can return a result!
result = engine.execute(code, context)  # result == 90131
execute(source: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]], context: Optional[miniscript._context.Context] = None) → Any

Execute a script.

  • source – Script source code in JSON format. An implicit Script object is created from it.

  • context – A Context object to hold execution context.


The outcome of the script or None.


ExecutionFailed is raised if a script returns an undefined value.


ExecutionFailed on a runtime error.


InvalidScript if the script is invalid.


InvalidTask if a task is invalid.

environment: miniscript._context.Environment

An Environment object used for templating.

logger: logging.Logger

Python logger used for logging.

tasks: Dict[str, Type[miniscript._task.Task]]

Mapping of task names to their implementation classes.

The name will be used in a script. The implementation must be a Task subclass (not an instance).

Includes built-in tasks.

Creating tasks

class miniscript.Task(name: str, definition: Dict[str, Any], engine: _engine.Engine)

An abstract base class for a task.

An implementation must override Task.execute() and may also override Task.validate(), although it is usually not necessary.

  • name – Name of this task as used in the script.

  • definition – The task definition from the script.

  • engine – An Engine the task is executed on.

__call__(context: miniscript._context.Context) → None

Check conditions and execute the task in the context.

It is not recommended to override this method, see Task.execute() instead.


context – A Context object to hold execution context.

abstract execute(params: miniscript._context.Namespace, context: miniscript._context.Context) → Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]

Execute the task.

Override this method to provide the task logic.

  • params – Validated parameters as a mapping that automatically evaluates templates.

  • context – A Context object to hold execution context. It is a mutable mapping that holds variables.


Values stored in a Result if Task.register` is set (otherwise discarded). A mapping from names to values.

validate(params: miniscript._context.Namespace, context: miniscript._context.Context) → None

Validate the passed parameters.

The call may modify the parameters in-place, e.g. to apply type conversion. The default implementation relies on class-level Task.required_params, Task.optional_params, Task.singleton_param, Task.free_form and Task.allow_empty for parameter validation.

  • params – The current parameters as a mapping that automatically evaluates templates on access.

  • context – A Context object to hold execution context.

allow_empty: bool = True

If no parameters are required, whether to allow empty input.

Makes no sense if Task.required_params is not empty.

engine: _engine.Engine

The Engine this task uses.

free_form: bool = False

Whether this task accepts any arguments.

Validation for known arguments is still run, and required parameters are still required.

ignore_errors: bool = False

Whether to ignore errors and continue execution.

Often used together with Task.register as

- name: run a task that can fail
  ignore_errors: True
  register: fallible_result

- name: log if the task failed
    warning: "Task failed: {{ fallible_result.failure }}"
  when: fallible_result.failed
loop: Optional[Union[str, list]] = None

Value to loop over.

For each item in the resulting list, execute the task passing the item as the item value in the context.

- name: do excessive logging
    info: "I like number {{ item }}"
  loop: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Conditions are evaluated separately for each item:

- name: do excessive logging
    info: "I like even numbers like {{ item }}"
  loop: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  when: item % 2 == 0

The loop value itself may be a template yielding a list.

name: str

The description of this task in the script.

If a human-readable description is not provided, uses the task name.

optional_params: Dict[str, Optional[Type]] = {}

A mapping with optional parameters.

See Task.required_params for a list of supported types.

params: Mapping[str, Any]

Task parameter after passing preliminary validation.

Evaluating templated variables is not possible until execution, so this field may contain raw templates.

register: Optional[str] = None

Variable to store the result of this task as a Result.

required_params: Dict[str, Optional[Type]] = {}

A mapping with required parameters.

A value is either None or one of the supported types: str, int, float, list.

singleton_param: Optional[str] = None

A name for the parameter to store if the input is not an object.

For example (see tasks.Fail),

- fail: I have failed

is converted to

- fail:
    msg: I have failed
when: Optional[Callable[[miniscript._context.Context], bool]] = None

A condition of this task.

Specified via the when statement and supports templating, e.g.:

- fail: Address must be defined
  when: address is undefined
class miniscript.Context(engine, *args, **kwargs)

A context of an execution.

copy() → miniscript._context.Context

Make a shallow copy of the context.

Built-in tasks

Built-in task definitions.

class miniscript.tasks.Assert(name: str, definition: Dict[str, Any], engine: _engine.Engine)

An assertion.

Fails if at least one of the provided statements is false:

- vars:
    some_value: 42

- assert:
    - some_value is defined
    - some_value == 42

New in version 1.1.

optional_params: Dict[str, Optional[Type]] = {'fail_msg': None}

Can accept an optional failure message.

required_params: Dict[str, Optional[Type]] = {'that': None}

Requires one or more statements as a list or a string.

singleton_param: Optional[str] = 'that'

The statement list can be provided directly to assert.

class miniscript.tasks.Block(name: str, definition: Dict[str, Any], engine: _engine.Engine)

Grouping of tasks.

Blocks can be used to share top-level parameters, e.g. a condition:

- block:
    - task1:
    - task2:
    - task3:
  when: enable_all_three_tasks
required_params: Dict[str, Optional[Type]] = {'tasks': <class 'list'>}

Requires a task list.

singleton_param: Optional[str] = 'tasks'

The task list can be provided directly to block.

class miniscript.tasks.Fail(name: str, definition: Dict[str, Any], engine: _engine.Engine)

Fail the execution.

Often used in combination with some condition.

- name: fail if the path is not defined
  fail: path must be defined
  when: path is undefined
required_params: Dict[str, Optional[Type]] = {'msg': <class 'str'>}

Requires a string message.

singleton_param: Optional[str] = 'msg'

The message can be provided directly to fail.

class miniscript.tasks.Log(name: str, definition: Dict[str, Any], engine: _engine.Engine)

Log something.

Uses standard Python logging and understands 4 levels: debug, info, warning and error.

- log:
    info: "checking of something bad has happened..."
- log:
    error: "oh no, something bad has happened!"
  when: something_bad is happened
optional_params: Dict[str, Optional[Type]] = {'debug': <class 'str'>, 'error': <class 'str'>, 'info': <class 'str'>, 'warning': <class 'str'>}

Requires at least one of the levels and its message.

class miniscript.tasks.Return(name: str, definition: Dict[str, Any], engine: _engine.Engine)

Return a value to the caller.

This is a unique feature of MiniScript not present in Ansible. The value will be returned from Engine.execute().

- name: return the answer
  return: 42
optional_params: Dict[str, Optional[Type]] = {'result': None}

Optionally accepts a result (otherwise the result is None).

singleton_param: Optional[str] = 'result'

The result can be provided directly to return.

class miniscript.tasks.Vars(name: str, definition: Dict[str, Any], engine: _engine.Engine)

Set variables.

Similar to set_fact in Ansible, but we don’t have facts. The variables are stored in the context.

- vars:
    num1: 2
    num2: 2
- log:
    info: "Look ma, I can multiply: {{ num1 * num2 }}"
free_form: bool = True

Accepts any parameters.

Built-in filters

Reimplementations of common Ansible filters.

New in version 1.1.


Alternatively, can also use the jinja2-ansible-filters project but it will likely require licensing your code under GPL (the license Ansible uses).

miniscript.filters.bool_(value: Any) → bool

Convert a value to a boolean according to Ansible rules.

The corresponding filter is called bool (without an underscore). True values are True, strings “Yes”, “True” and “1”, number 1; everything else is False.

- vars:
    is_true: "{{ 'YES' | bool }}"

New in version 1.1.

miniscript.filters.combine(value: Union[Sequence[Mapping], Mapping], *other: Mapping, recursive: bool = False, list_merge: str = 'replace') → Dict

Combine several dictionaries into one.

A typical pattern of adding a value to a dictionary:

- vars:
    new_dict: "{{ old_dict | combine({'new key': 'new value'}) }}"

When a list is provided as input, all items from it are combined.

New in version 1.1.

  • recursive – Whether to merge dictionaries recursively.

  • list_merge – How to merge lists, one of replace, keep, append, prepend, append_rp, prepend_rp. The _rp variants remove items that are present in both lists from the left-hand list.

miniscript.filters.dict2items(value: Mapping, key_name: str = 'key', value_name: str = 'value') → List[Dict[str, Any]]

Convert a mapping to a list of its items.

For example, converts

milk: 1
eggs: 10
bread: 2


- key: milk
  value: 1
- key: eggs
  value: 10
- key: bread
  value: 2

New in version 1.1.

  • value – Any mapping.

  • key_name – Key name for input keys.

  • value_name – Key name for input values.


A list of dicts.

miniscript.filters.difference(value: list, other: list) → list

Difference of two lists.

- vars:
    new_list: "{{ [2, 4, 6, 8, 12] | difference([3, 6, 9, 12, 15]) }}"
    # -> [2, 4, 8]

New in version 1.1.

miniscript.filters.flatten(value: list, levels: Optional[int] = None) → list

Flatten a list.

- vars:
    new_list: "{{ [1, 2, [3, [4, 5, [6]], 7]] | flatten }}"
    # -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

To flatten only the top level, use the levels argument:

- vars:
    new_list: "{{ [1, 2, [3, [4, 5, [6]], 7]] | flatten(levels=1) }}"
    # -> [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, [6]], 7]

New in version 1.1.


levels – Number of levels to flatten. If None - flatten everything.

miniscript.filters.intersect(value: list, other: list) → list

Intersection of two lists.

- vars:
    new_list: "{{ [2, 4, 6, 8, 12] | intersect([3, 6, 9, 12, 15]) }}"
    # -> [6, 12]

New in version 1.1.

miniscript.filters.ipaddr(value: Union[str, int], query: Optional[str] = None) → str

Filter IP addresses and networks.

New in version 1.1.

Implements Ansible ipaddr filter.

miniscript.filters.ipv4(value: Union[str, int], query: Optional[str] = None) → str

Filter IPv4 addresses and networks.

New in version 1.1.

Implements Ansible ipv4 filter.

miniscript.filters.ipv6(value: Union[str, int], query: Optional[str] = None) → str

Filter IPv6 addresses and networks.

New in version 1.1.

Implements Ansible ipv6 filter.

miniscript.filters.items2dict(value: List[Mapping[str, Any]], key_name: str = 'key', value_name: str = 'value') → Dict

A reverse of dict2items().

For example, converts

- key: milk
  value: 1
- key: eggs
  value: 10
- key: bread
  value: 2


milk: 1
eggs: 10
bread: 2

New in version 1.1.

  • value – A list of mappings.

  • key_name – Key name for output keys.

  • value_name – Key name for output values.


A dictionary.

miniscript.filters.json_query(value: Any, query: str) → Any

Run a JSON query against the data.

Requires the jmespath library. See jmespath examples.

New in version 1.1.

miniscript.filters.regex_escape(value: str) → str

Escape special regular expression characters in a string.

New in version 1.1.

miniscript.filters.regex_findall(value: str, pattern: str, *, multiline: bool = False, ignorecase: bool = False) → List[str]

Find all occurencies of a pattern in a string.

For example:

- vars:
    url: ""

- return: "{{ url | regex_findall('(?<=\\W)\\w{3}(?=\\W|$)') }}"
  # returns ['www', 'org']

New in version 1.1.

  • pattern – Python regular expression.

  • multiline – Whether ^ matches a beginning of each line, not just beginning of the string.

  • ignorecase – Whether to ignore case when matching.

miniscript.filters.regex_replace(value: str, pattern: str, replacement: str = '', *, multiline: bool = False, ignorecase: bool = False, count: int = 0) → str

Replace all occurencies of a pattern in a string.

MiniScript implements Ansible-compatible slashes handling to avoid duplication of slashes inside Jinja expressions.

- vars:
    url: ""

- return: "{{ url | regex_replace('(?<=\\W)\\w{3}(?=\\W|$)',
                                  '\"\\1\") }}"
  # returns 'http://"www".python."org"'

New in version 1.1.

  • pattern – Python regular expression.

  • replacement – String to replace with, an empty string by default.

  • multiline – Whether ^ matches a beginning of each line, not just beginning of the string.

  • ignorecase – Whether to ignore case when matching.

  • count – How many occurencies to replace. Zero (the default) means replace all.

Find an occurence of a pattern in a string.

New in version 1.1.

  • pattern – Python regular expression.

  • multiline – Whether ^ matches a beginning of each line, not just beginning of the string.

  • ignorecase – Whether to ignore case when matching.

miniscript.filters.symmetric_difference(value: list, other: list) → list

Symmetric difference (exclusive OR) of two lists.

- vars:
    new_list: "{{ [2, 4, 6, 8, 12]
                  | symmetric_difference([3, 6, 9, 12, 15]) }}"
    # -> [2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15]

New in version 1.1.

miniscript.filters.to_datetime(value: str, format: str = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') → datetime.datetime

Parse a date/time according to the format.

The default format is %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.

New in version 1.1.

miniscript.filters.union(value: list, other: list) → list

Union of two lists.

- vars:
    new_list: "{{ [2, 4, 6, 8, 12] | union([3, 6, 9, 12, 15]) }}"
    # -> [2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15]

New in version 1.1.

miniscript.filters.urlsplit(value: str, query: Optional[str] = None) → Union[Dict, str]

Split a URL into components.

Known components are fragment, hostname, netloc, password, path, port, query, scheme, username.

New in version 1.1.


query – Requested component. If None, all components are returned in a dictionary.

miniscript.filters.zip_(first: Sequence, *other: Sequence) → Iterator

Zip two sequences together.

The corresponding filter is called zip (without an underscore).

New in version 1.1.

miniscript.filters.zip_longest(first: Sequence, *other: Sequence, fillvalue: Optional[Any] = None) → Iterator

Zip sequences together, always exhausing all of them.

New in version 1.1.


fillvalue – Value to fill shorter sequences with.


class miniscript.Error

Base class for all errors.

class miniscript.InvalidScript

The script definition is invalid.

class miniscript.InvalidTask

The task definition is invalid.

class miniscript.UnknownTask

An task is not known.

class miniscript.ExecutionFailed

Execution of a task failed.


class miniscript.Environment

A templating environment.

class miniscript.Namespace(environment: miniscript._context.Environment, context: miniscript._context.Context, *args, **kwargs)

A namespace with value rendering.

Works like a dictionary, but evaluates values on access using the provided templating environment.

New in version 1.1.

  • environment – Templating environment to use.

  • context – A Context object to hold execution context.

  • args – Passed to dict unchanged.

  • kwargs – Passed to dict unchanged.

copy() → miniscript._context.Namespace

Make a shallow copy of the namespace.

get_raw(key, default=None) → Any

Get a value without evaluating it.

materialize() → dict

Recursively evaluate values, returning a normal dict.

class miniscript.Result(results: Mapping[str, Any], failure: Optional[str] = None, skipped: bool = False)

A result of a task.

Any resulting values are stored directly on the object.

failed: bool

Whether the task failed (the opposite of Result.succeeded).

failure: Optional[str] = None

Failure message if the task failed.

skipped: bool = False

Whether the task was skipped via a when statement.

succeeded: bool

Whether the task succeeded (the opposite of Result.failed).

class miniscript.Script(engine: miniscript._engine.Engine, source: Union[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]])

A script.

  • engine – An Engine.

  • source – A source definition or a list of tasks to execute.

__call__(context: Optional[miniscript._context.Context] = None) → Any

Execute the script.


context – A Context object to hold execution context.


The outcome of the script or None


ExecutionFailed on a runtime error.


InvalidScript if the script is invalid.


InvalidTask if a task is invalid.

engine: miniscript._engine.Engine

The Engine of this script.

tasks: List[miniscript._task.Task]

A list of Tasks in the order of execution.